Carpe Diem:14 September, 2024


It’s a me!

I’m a husband to my loving wife, a father to my fun kid(s), a pet owner of two crazy cats, a home brewer, and a home automation enthusiast. I live out in the suburbs of Chicago in the wonderful Midwest. When I’m not spending time with family, doing chores around the house, brewing a beer, or working on a project, I spend my time playing various video games (though it’s getting harder and harder to find time to do this! ). I also enjoy hiking, backpacking, canoeing, and the wilderness in general. I’m a proud Eagle Scout and have a strong love for the outdoors.

I’ve worked in business/tech fields for my career. Originally I received my education in accounting and finance, but decided to spice things up with a Master’s in Computer Science – I needed to do something I was more passionate about. See more of my professional career on LinkedIn.

The goal of this blog is to document some of my tech adventures around the house in the hopes that other individuals like yourself will find them useful (and save you some time). Doing DIY projects around the house is a bunch of fun, but it’s also time consuming – I hope this blog helps you out.

Thanks for reading!